Tag Archives: Authentic Touring


Guest Post – Lions Head and Signal Hill Trail Run

Recently, the lovely Gemma from Africa Marathons was in Cape Town to participate in the Cape Town Marathon, and while she was in town she decided to explore a little further & joined us at Run Cape Town for a trailrunning tour around Lion’s Head & Signal Hill – have a read about her experience in her blog post […]


Why do a sightrunning runningtour?

#runningisfree #outsideisfree Right?  Then why do a running tour & pay to go for a run?! We thought we’d share some recent feedback from our running tour clients to see the value they have found in doing a running tour with us @RunCapeTown Roni & Nevo:  Tel Aviv, 5 October 2016 “Thanks you so much! […]

Vince running guide

Introducing Vincent Ntunja, our “Run Gugs” Running Guide

Vincent Luyanda Ntunja was born on 24 June 1981 in Gugulethu, a township just 20 minutes outside Cape Town’s city centre.  He’s a professional model, TV presenter, motivational speaker, sports presenter and philanthropist. He also participates competitively in basketball, which he started playing 12 years ago in the dusty streets of Gugulethu.  He has represented […]